A day of fun, for all the family. Today saw the launch of Windows Server 2003, Visual Studio .NET 2003 and SQL Server 2000 64-bit Enterprise Edition. Myself, Arnaud and Gregg attended the Official launch in the UK this afternoon and after some interesting and rather confusing demonstrations (based on the fact it seemed MS were launching Visual Studio .NET and not Visual Studio .NET 2003 ;) ) and wonderful displays of all the wild things Server 2003 can do we're currently going over everything and preparing for a nice run over of the days events shortly. Armed with photos, interviews and possibly some video footage we'll try and make it as interesting as possible for all you folk that had to settle for the live webcast of the US event. For now though I leave you with the webcast itself and a link to some more information on Windows Server 2003, fear not though neowinians we shall be posting our take on the days events as soon as possible.
Download: Microsoft® Windows Server 2003 Evaluation Download
Video: Windows Server 2003/VS.NET 2003/SQL Server 2000 (64-bit) Launch Event WebCast 56K
Video: Windows Server 2003/VS.NET 2003/SQL Server 2000 (64-bit) Launch Event WebCast 100K
Video: Windows Server 2003/VS.NET 2003/SQL Server 2000 (64-bit) Launch Event WebCast 300K