If you're a fan of Untitled Goose Game, there's some good news. A developer has created a Windows app that lets a goose run wild on your desktop. And no, this isn't just a goose that walks around on your screen. It actually causes trouble. For example, it can drag out goose-related memes as seen in the image above.

It can also track mud all over the screen, or grab the pointer and move it around. The description for the app is as follows:
"HONK HONK, HEAR YE. I have created a goose for your desktop.
He'll nab your mouse, track mud on your screen... leave you a message, deliver you memes?
Play video games with a desktop buddy who will attack you if you poke him.
Fill out spreadsheets while your screen fills up with instances of Goose Notepad."
Yes, that's all there is to it. It's an app that's made for fun, just to have a goose run around on your desktop and cause some trouble. Obviously, you probably shouldn't have the app running while you're doing some serious work.
You can download the app here, and you can check out the trailer video below:
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