Microsoft's Edge browser is getting a very welcome improvement to vertical tabs - a feature that finally made it to the stable channel a couple of months ago after first being announced in March of 2020. Soon, you'll be able to hide the title bar of the browser when using vertical tabs, at least if a new flag spotted by Reddit user Leopeva64-2 is anything to go by.
The flag is available in the latest version of Edge Canary, which is 92.0.891.0. Once you enable the flag, if you're using vertical tabs, you can right-click the title bar to see the option to hide it. The option is also shown if you right-click an empty area of the tab management side bar, or the New Tab button. A toggle for the feature can also be found in the Appearance section of the browser settings.

Vertical tabs allow users to move their tabs from the top of the screen to the left side of the browser window, stacking them vertically instead. This allows each tab to get a larger text description, making it easier to find a specific tab when you have dozens of them open. However, some users have pointed that there's some wasted space because moving the tabs to the side of the window doesn't free the space at the top. Instead, it just displays the title of the current tab and the window controls. With this change, the space at the top of the browser window is freed up, with window controls being pushed next to the address bar and toolbar buttons.
It may take some time for this capability to be fully rolled out, but the fact that it's on the way should already be good news for those using vertical tabs. If you want to try this out right now, you can download Edge Canary from the Edge Insider webpage, but as tends to be the case with preview software, you may face some instability.
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