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ZoneAlarm Experiencing "True Vector" Engine Crashes, Again

For the second time in less than a month, users of ZoneLabs product ZoneAlarm Pro are experiencing severe difficulties with the programs' TrueVector Engine. Since Friday, June 24, reports of the same issues have been flooding forum boards all across the globe. The majority of users are experiencing common issues:

  • TrueVector engine keeps crashing

  • Displays the following error: "The True Vector Internet Monitoring has shut down. Do you wish to restart it?"
Also, the VSMON.EXE system service seems to use 100% of the CPU, and causes RAM consumption in excess of 50MB. A few tips have been suggested to combat the issue until a more permanent solution is devised. They include:
  • Disabling the Alert Advisor.

  • Disabling automatic updates and setting ZAP to "manual updates".
For more information, visit the ZoneLabs Forum - General Section, and review posts pertaining to TrueVector and VSMON for more suggestions. As of 11:40AM PST, there has been no press release or comments made by ZoneLabs in regards to this issue, although we should expect to see one shortly.

News source: ZoneLabs Forum - General Section

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