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Zoom Player v4.02 RC3

Zoom Player was originally conceived to fill a void in Multimedia playback. Prior to Zoom Player, playing media files on the PC was either overly simplistic for the Power User or overly cryptic to the common user. Zoom Player tries to both simplify the playback experience for the common user, while giving the Power Users all the tools and interfaces they may require to manipulate their playback environment to their exact specification.

What's New:

  • New skin constants (LTimeRemain), (LTime) and (LDuration).

  • More functions added to the TCP/IP interface.

  • New Setting that allows you disable Overlay on the VMR7 renderer (Advanced Options / Filter Control / Settings).

  • Zoom Player no longer reserves any keys, you can now assign any function to any key for complete keyboard automation.

  • Per the change above, The Space key has been set as a standard function (fnSpace). The navigation keys have been split to a new set of navigation class (see default.key for more information).
View: ChangeLog

Download: Zoom Player v4.02 RC3

News source: Zoom Player Homepage

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