There's nothing more frustrating than reading a glowing review of a device by someone who didn't pay for it. The pros and cons become important when there's a connection between wallet and device.
Brad Wardell
CEO - Neowin LLC NeowinForum Information
- Forum Name:
- Frogboy
- Joined:
- 24 October 2001
- Forum Posts:
- 3,282
Administrator of, background in PC software technology and PC gaming. Designer of the PC games Galactic Civilizations, The Political Machine and Elemental. Assisted in the design of Demigod and Sins of a Solar Empire.
Programming speciality is computer AI for games.
Designed the desktop enhancement suite, Object Desktop.
Over the past year Amazon has refreshed its entire line of popular e-readers. With the recent release of the Kindle Oasis 2019 edition, we are ready to give you Neowin's verdict on the devices.
The Surface Pro and the iPad Pro often compete for the same user. Each has a lot of overlapping features but very different philosophies. We look at both to see which one is right for you.
What are your favorite types of articles to read on Neowin? What would you like more of? Less of? Let us know in the comments.
Stardock has released a new update to its popular real-time strategy game, Ashes of the Singularity to add new features, maps and support for the new graphics API, Vulkan.
Tesla improves its Autopilot in the latest firmware (17.32) update along with other notable improvements. We take the latest for a test spin to see how much it has improved.
Intel recently released new video drivers for its Skylake processors. Our testing indicates that they solve the widely-reported power consumption problems in sleep mode on the Surface Pro 4.
With Windows 10 and the Surface line, Microsoft has shown they have what it takes to make good products. But their store experience shows they have a long way to go.
Chances are that if you have a Surface Pro 4, you have noted that the battery may not get you through an entire day. Check out these tips to help you increase your battery life on the device.
Microsoft announced the Surface Pro 4 today, a major update to its popular tablet/laptop hybrid. The specs are impressive with room for further improvement.

A better Internet involves tolerance towards all points of view, not just ones you agree with
The Internet is growing up, becoming more diverse and that means we must learn to tolerate other points of view.
Microsoft demonstrates DirectX 12 doubling the framerate of games at Build 2014 which will help push the Xbox One deeper into next generation gaming and will enhance the user experience.
Microsoft is at a turning point and the ways of the old are being phased out and new life is being brought back into the comapny but there are still a lot of questions the company needs to answer.
Microsoft unveils universal Windows apps, a return of the Start menu and a coherent vision at Build 2014 that starts to paint a new picture of the technology giant.
On behalf of everyone here at Neowin, Happy New Year!...
At the end of every year people always talk about what their top 10 favorite games were of the year. Unlike most years, this year marks the end of the decade. I posted...