If you use a different browser than Microsoft Edge you probably don't need it loading with Windows. Join us today in this week's Tech Tip Tuesday to find out how to disable it from starting on boot.
Adam Bottjen
+MVC NeowinForum Information
- Forum Name:
- Warwagon
- Joined:
- 30 November 2001
- Forum Posts:
- 44,478
Hi I'm Adam, as long as I can remember I have been in love with computers. When I was in first grade my parents bought an Apple 2gs. I've been in love with computers ever since. In 2003 I started my own business called "R Country Computers". It's still going strong 19 years later.
Back in 2001, I was looking up information about the beta version of Windows XP. Upon my search, I stumbled upon Neowin.net and have been here ever since.
Have you ever saved a file in Windows, and after doing so disliked the name and wished you could rename it and give it a different one? Join us today in this week's Tech Tip Tuesday to find out how.
When entering information into an online form, do you take your hand off the keyboard and click on the next field? Join us today to learn a quicker way to enter data into online forms.
Have you ever restarted your computer but it took a while to become useable? Have you ever tried to open something again because it didn't open up as quickly as you wanted? Patience is a virtue.
When you are in public and your phone's battery gets low do you ever plug it into public charging stations? You could be at risk of juice jacking. Join us today to find out how to protect yourself.
A home office with all your folders and paper organized is great, but did you know you can keep your computer organized too? join us today in this month's Windows Essentials to find out how.
You just don't know what something has to offer until you try and right-click it. Join us today in this week's Tech Tip Tuesday to find out what other useful things the Start menu has to offer.
Wouldn't it be nice while on a call on your iPhone if you could muffle all the background noise so you come through more clearly? Join us today in this week's Tech Tip Tuesday to find out how.
Have you ever wanted to change the orientation of your screen to make use of a rotating monitor stand? Join us today in this week's Tech Tip Tuesday to find out how to change a screen's orientation.
Wouldn't it be nice to be able to double-tap or triple-tap the back of your iPhone and have it perform a certain task? Join us today in this week's tech tip Tuesday to find out how to set it up!
Have you ever accidentally pressed delete and had a file just disappear? That's the default behavior in windows 8/10/11. Join us today to find out how to have windows prompt you when deleting a file.
If you are out for a night on the town and your iPhone is stolen, it's possible to have your digital life turned up side down. Join us today in this weeks tech tip Tuesday for ways to help prevent it.
Have you ever logged into your computer only to be greeted by a blank profile? Your profile is most likely still there. Join us today in this week's Tech Tip Tuesday to find out how fix it.
When purchasing software you typically get a product key to install and also reinstall the software. It's a good idea to back those up. Join us today for a way to save and record your product keys.
Have you ever had an issue with a device reconnecting to your Wi-Fi? Sometimes forgetting the network and reconnecting fixes it. Join us today in this week's Tech Tip Tuesday to find out how.!
I talk to a lot of people who think their computer is running out of space, when in fact they are barely using even half of it. Join us today to find out how much free space you have left.