just posted a rant about cable "reviewing" and how absurd it is (and in the style of cable reviewing, the rant looks like a mess too). I personally like these types of reviews that prove that rounded cables are.. well just as messy as flat ones LOL, oh well see for yourself.
Here's a snippet: I was reading through my daily selection of tech, hardware, and case modding websites, and suddenly I notice a horrible pattern. I see countless websites "reviewing" whatever free products they can get their hands on, everything from cables to fans to power supplies. I mean, what is there to say about a god damn cable? I plugged it in and it works and uhhh it looks pretty too! That aside, I'm going to do my own little cable review/comparison.
News source: Cable "Reviewing" Rantage
If you dont like reviews on hardware then take a look at this "criptic" image courtesy of Microsoft, LOL you'll love it Click here heheh.. My mum spent a few hours trying to fit a CD in the floppy drive (not really but it sounds funny)