Eugenia of OSNews writes I heard so much about this product (some good, some bad), but I had never really tried it before sent us in the latest version of their OS, LindowsOS version 3.0. I took it a spin for two weeks now, and here is what I think about it (and for the eye-candy seekers, screenshots included).
LindowsOS' installation is truly dead easy. There are only 3-4 steps in the process and the only thing you really pick is the fact if you want LindowsOS to utilize the whole hard drive, or to pick a pre-arranged partition and install it there. Overall, I think the whole installation process took about 10 minutes. The only thing that LindowsOS should lose are these in-your-face capital character sentences that they popup to the user when you are about to install the OS. It looks very unprofessional, despite the importance of the message. Perhaps they should bold or indent the characters instead of capitalize them like that.