The Guru of 3D just reviewed Bioware's Neverwinter Nights, an emergency review as they call it. We're all seeing some reviews out there that are really taking a dump on the game. If you read through this, you will see that the toolkit has tremendous bugs in it with module corruption, the single player has map problems, some of the play is unbalanced and unchallenging, and all we are seeing are fan boy reviews. Even from Gamespot, all in all, it is a great game. IF they fix 3-4 gamebreaking bugs.
- So, here I was thinking it was going to be at least another year before I saw this game. Five years in the making, I mean I was still in college when this thing was first announced. So I started thinking back of all the beer, parties and fun. Thank God Everquest wasn't around than, I wouldn't have done anything. Suffice it to say, Neverwinter Nights finally hit the shelves.