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Microsoft SkyDrive 17.0.2015.811

SkyDrive for Windows is the easiest way to access your SkyDrive from your PC. When you install SkyDrive, a SkyDrive folder is created on your PC. Everything you put in this folder is automatically kept in sync between your computers (PC or Mac) and, so you can get to your latest files from virtually anywhere. Whenever you add, change, or delete files in one location, all the other locations will be updated. When you use SkyDrive, you'll never be without the documents, notes, photos, and videos that matter to you. Store anything on your SkyDrive and it's automatically available from your trusted devices—no syncing or cables needed.

If you forgot to put something in your SkyDrive folder, you can still get back to your PC to access all its files and folders from

SkyDrive features:

  • Access your SkyDrive right from Windows Explorer—photos, documents, and all your other important files.
  • Quickly add new files to SkyDrive by dragging them to the SkyDrive folder.
  • Easily organize your files and folders in SkyDrive, just like any other folder.
  • Connect back to your PC if you forget to put something in SkyDrive.

Download: Microsoft SkyDrive 17.0.2015.811 | 5.8 MB (Freeware)
Screenshot: >>Click Here<<
View: Microsoft SkyDrive Website

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