AVG Anti-Virus FREE Edition is the well-known anti-virus protection tool. AVG Anti-Virus FREE is available free-of-charge to home users for the life of the product! Rapid virus database updates are available for the lifetime of the product, thereby providing the high-level of detection capability that millions of users around the world trust to protect their computers. AVG Anti-Virus FREE is easy-to-use and will not slow your system down (low system resource requirements).
What's new in version 2013.0.2667:
Even Greater Ease of Use
We've put a big emphasis for this release on making our product easy to use, for both our less-technically savvy customers, as well as those that wish to have greater levels of control with their PC protection. We've completely overhauled our interface, simplified our Firewall and improved our install experience.
New User Interface
The new User Interface has been developed with extensive involvement from our customers, helping us to build something that meets their needs specifically, while providing greatest ease of access to the most regularly used settings. The UI has been designed to suit the new Windows 8 visual style, to deliver a UI that will feel most at home within the Windows 8 environment.
Better Install Experience
Install experience is even easier for customers who both want to take the recommended path, as well as the custom install for more advanced users. This includes improvements for the many customers who first experience our product via a free trial.
Improved Performance / Reduced Footprint
We are always striving to reduce the footprint to ensure that our protection engines are having minimal impact on system resources. This release, we have reduced the footprint further compared to our last service pack release in March 2012.
Improved Detection / Better Detection
Detection rates always need improving to ensure we are keeping up with internet criminals.
File Reputation
The new AVG client will check with our cloud service and report prevalence of certain files on user's computers. We'll then use this information to improve product's detection capabilities (heuristics, behavioural detection etc). Customers need to opt into our product improvement program in order for us to access their data.
Download: AVG Anti-Virus Free 2013.2667 | 4.2 MB (Freeware)
View: AVG Website
News Source: Download.com
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