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Drug cops stop to play Wii during raid

Being a drug cop must be a rather interesting job, particularly during raids; those under the target of the law tend to be rather wealthy, and certainly aren't afraid to show it. According to CNET, a group of drug cops showed their awareness of this by taking the time to play on a suspect's Nintendo Wii... during a raid.

An alleged drug dealer named Michael Difalco was taken into custody by police, and his house raided for drugs as per usual. During said raid, the cops took some time out of their task to enjoy some virtual bowling, the whole time being caught on camera. You might think it'd be pretty obvious when you're being caught on camera, though it was said that Difalco had a hidden video recorder inside a computer speaker, which was of course connected to a PC. The video shows a few officers casually playing, with one woman cataloguing up evidence, whilst taking the time out to play on the Wii occasionally.

Of course, this hasn't gone down well with the employers of the officers. Defense attorney Rick Escobar stated that the group violated the terms of a search warrant, though Grady Judd, Polk County Sheriff, stated that, "We executed that search warrant appropriately from a legal sense." You can be sure that these cops won't pull a stunt like this again, and if you're interesting in watching the video that was captured, you can watch it below:

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