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Gears of War - 2.7 Million Sold

Well I think it is pretty much official now. Gears of War is a mega-smash-hit. A bona fide "Halo" like franchise.

So our boy Robbie Bach at CES yesterday let loose the sales numbers - 2.7 Million copies of Gears of War had been sold so far since the games release two months ago. That truly is a massive amount of copies sold, don't get me wrong here. And I'm very happy for Epic Games, since it was about time they were recognized for the great software they put out and how much they support their fan base (hello, new and free Gears of War content this week) over the years they've been around.

But is it a "Halo" like franchise now? I don't know. I guess we will have to see what happens down the road here. But one thing is for certain now. Gears of War 2, Gears of War 3 are pretty much certain now. And who knows maybe even Gears of War RTS will come down the pipe now! But they better port Gears of War to the PC! Or I'll take back everything nice I've said about Epic. Yeah.

View: Original Article @ TeamXbox

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