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Guitar Hero II confirmed for 360, but not until 2007

Guitar Hero, which according to some people is the greatest game ever made, will be getting a sequel come this November on the Playstation 2, titled oddly enough - Guitar Hero II. Many gamers have begged for a non Playstation 2 version of the game, and now they will get one. Red Octane recently announced that an Xbox 360 version of the game will be coming out, but not until 2007 sometime.
That is a pretty significant departure from the PS2 version which will be out in a couple of months now. Regardless though, Guitar Hero II will be on the Xbox 360. The new tethered X-plorer guitar will also add to the whole thing, so you can all replay those classic Metallica or Roy Orbison classics. You old people like myself, will remember Roy Orbison. Right?
The 360 version of Guitar Hero II will be the same exact game as the PS2 version, but will have (naturally) downloadable songs available on Xbox Live Marketplace, though no pricing structure was given for them.
News source: Gamespot
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