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Hollywood still wary of Microsoft

For a while now Microsoft has tried to get into the 'Hollywood' market. By opening up its WMP9 codec and by making deals with popular movie industries like Disney. Even after all of this Microsoft isn't being welcomed with opened arms, and with good reason as the movie industry continues to keep its suspicion on high alert.

In the past Microsoft's business practices where questionable at best, but since then Microsoft has developed new and better practices that everyone will agree are better in at least one way or another. Still Hollywood maintains caution when dealing with a company as powerful as Microsoft. According to the Associated Press Hollywood maintains two fears about Microsoft. The first fear is that Microsoft could buy out the companies, while the second fear is that the PC market would hurt the movie industry as it did the music industry. Not everybody agrees with the movie industry. In fact Microsoft already has licensees for its Windows Media digital rights software for Walt Disney, AOL, Dell Inc., Samsung, and Movielink LLC. Proof that other companies are willing to be the first to enter the new digital market.

The fact of the matter is the PC is the future, and like or not the movement is coming. This can already been seen with the music industry, but don't expect the movie industry to effected the same way. Especially right now with the current size of digital movies, but eventually both the movie and music industry will come to rely on the PC. As time goes on the movie industry will probably warm up to Microsoft (especially with its market share). Who knows in this time frame other companies might come out with an even better format. I guess well just have to wait and see where the movie industry is going to go.

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