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Intel Officially Launched Celeron D Processors

Today Intel announced its first line of Celeron's built on 90nm technology. Celerons are Intel's lower end lower cost processors. This new breed of Celeron processors called Celeron D has a 256KB of L2 Cache and a bus speed of 533Mhz. These new Celerons will also support SSE3, but of course will not have Hyper-Threading technology. Below is a list of the four new Celeron D chips along with their prices (In 1000-unit quantities).

  • 335 (2.80GHz) - $117

  • 330 (2.66GHz) - $89

  • 325 (2.53GHz) - $79

  • 320 (2.40GHz) - $69
Intel Corporation today announced its first value processors made using 90nm process technology. The new Celeron D central processing units firmly enhance performance of the company's products intended for customers in budget. Intel Celeron D processors pack 256KB of level-two cache, twice the size of the previous-generation Celeron chips, and 533MHz processor system bus, a 33% improvement over 0.13 micron value chips from the Santa Clara, California-based chipmaker. Besides, the new Celeron CPUs also sport SSE3 technology found in the latest incarnation of the Pentium 4 dubbed "Prescott". While the new Celeron D processors traditionally have much in common with the more advanced Intel Pentium 4 chips, including deeper pipeline and enhanced prefetch mechanisms for Prescott-based central processing units, the Celeron D do not sport the Hyper-Threading technology.

News source: X-bit labs

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