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Intel to open code for booting up PCs, servers

Intel will work with CollabNet to release open-source code designed to make the boot-up process for PCs and servers more predictable and faster.

Under the collaboration, Intel will release a driver development kit and what it calls firmware foundation code later this year under the open-source Common Public License. The code comes from Intel's Tiano project, which aims to replace the BIOS (basic input-output system) software that takes an inventory of the hardware in or attached to a computer and allows the hardware to speak to the operating system and ultimately to the applications.

BIOS is one of the oldest elements of a PC and one of the most resistant to change. Most BIOSes are written in older languages and are sold to PC makers as a single block of code, said Mike Richmond, manager of platform software at Intel. Hardware makers have to write BIOS-compatible drivers to ensure that their products will be able to communicate with the PC and other devices. By opening up the code, hardware makers will be able to more efficiently write their drivers as well as anticipate any changes in the input-output system, Richmond said. Additionally, Intel's firmware foundation code will be written in the C programming language.

News source: C|Net News.com

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