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Interview: Goldeneye: Rogue Agent Exposed!

Rare's much lauded first-person shooter GoldenEye on N64 was awesome, broke new ground, had a billion memorable moments, delighted with classic multiplayer moments - yep, we could discuss the game's pleasantries for hours. Believe. Which is why, like the mass of fans of the venerable master, we can't wait to dirty our hands on EA's pseudo-sequel GoldenEye: Rogue Agent.

Lurking undercover for around 18 months, Rogue Agent finally had the curtain officially raised on it back in March, the unveiling followed for us by a jaunt to EA headquarters in California where Chris Plummer, senior producer on the game, filled us in. (And our chat with Chris continues tomorrow in part two, where we also hit him with an in-depth Q&A).

To begin at the beginning

"GoldenEye: Rogue Agent is a game we've been holding in secret for about a year and a half. This is a game all about being the ultimate villain in the Bond universe - that's the concept... There's something very exciting about the proposition of being able to step into the dark side of the Bond world and tap into everything that makes that such a great place and doing without the stuffy restrictions of being Bond."

News source: Computer And Video Games

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