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iTunes : Quarter Billion Songs Sold

Apple today announced that they had sold a quarter billion (250m) songs from their iTunes music store. At a rate of 1.25m songs being sold daily, the store expects to be selling approx. half a billion songs annually.

Steve Jobs, Apple CEO, was announced his surprise at the scale of the figures, commenting today "when we launched the iTunes Music Store we were hoping to sell a million songs in the first six months - now we're selling over a million songs every day, and we've sold over a quarter billion songs in total."

The iTunes store, soon to be two years old, has proved incredibly successful for Apple. It has expanded into fifteen countries and enjoys 70% of the global music market. Apple have recently announced plans to launch a Japanese version of the store in March. In other Apple news, rumours are rife of a new generation of iPod Mini that will be announced shortly; the device features a five gigabyte hard drive from Seagate. ThinkSecret are also reporting that a massive 80gig 5th generation iPod with a new shell could be in the works with an eye towards a summer launch.

View: iTunes | Apple Homepage

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