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Krut Computer Recorder 0.9.2

Krut Computer Recorder allows you to record audio and video from your computer screen into .mov-files and .wav-files. It can be used to e.g. make instructional videos or record games. It could also be used to record streaming video and audio. Video can be recorded at a given frame rate (fps), and played back at another. If the recording fps is changed, the playback fps will be changed along with it, so the playback fps must be changed afterwards.


* Audio-video synchronization has improved.
* When extra audio frames are needed to synchronize audio, they are now constructed by repeating existing frames instead of filling with empty frames. This gives a smoother sound.
* A button has been added to the main window for changing the screen capture area with the mouse.
* A single Settings window has been added, replacing the old multiple window settings GUI.
* A checkbox has been added to select if files should be overwritten, or if filenames should follow an enumeration.
* A checkbox has been added to select if audio should be synchronized to the system clock, or if the raw input should be saved.
* A field showing the current mouse position on the screen has been added in the Settings window.
* Encoding of movies has been moved to seperate threads.This means that the GUI no longer freezes up during encoding of movies.
* A progress bar has been added during encoding of movies.
* A bug that caused files to potentially end up in the wrong folder if the proper file extension wasn't given has been fixed.
* Minor changes to the output messages have been made.

Download: Krut Computer Recorder 0.9.2 (freeware for Ubuntu, Win)
Screenshot: >> Click here <<
Link: Krut Computer Recorder Home Page

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