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Lindows Posing Bigger Threat to Microsoft

Yes, open source on the desktop has suddenly gained a bit of traction that did not seem possible a year ago. But it is only traction, up to this point, and Microsoft has not lost any market share. What is interesting is that a desktop Linux OS -- such as Lindows -- was described as a long shot not so long ago. And though the odds have gotten only slightly better, there is more sentiment that Windows might have to make some room for a rival operating system.

Cease and Desist

A Lindows team, headed by CEO Michael Robertson, is in Europe this week meeting with resellers to discuss, among other things, Microsoft threats against the firms. Apparently, no one on the Lindows entourage has yet seen Microsoft's communiques to resellers. However, on its Web site, Lindows published an e-mail from a reseller -- DV Computer Systems -- complaining of Microsoft's intrusion. In one part of the message, DV's Hans de Vries writes, "They want that I stop selling Lindows OS computers ... I don't like this but when they are taking this to court and involve me then I must stop selling Lindows OS because I don't have the money for lawyers." Microsoft's legal beef with Lindows is the brand name itself. Currently, the companies are preparing to enter the trial phase of litigation, brought by Microsoft, over infringement of the Windows trademark. That trial is scheduled to begin in March.

News source: NewsFactor

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