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Mac OS X 10.5.8 released

Not too long ago, Apple released their update for Leopard, bringing it up to version 10.5.7. This update brought many bug fixes and optimizations, as there's no point adding new features with Snow Leopard on the horizon. Whilst the Apple community expected this to be the last update before the aforementioned operating system release, the Cupertino based computer company suddenly began distributing builds of a new patch, 10.5.8. Today, however, Apple has quietly added the final product to Software Update, making it available to all Leopard users.

The patch notes state the following:

The 10.5.8 Update is recommended for all users running Mac OS X Leopard and includes general operating system fixes that enhance the stability, compatibility and security of your Mac, as well as specific fixes for:
compatibility and reliability issues when joining AirPort networks.
an issue that could cause some monitor resolutions to no longer appear in Displays System Preferences.
issues that may affect Bluetooth reliability.
For detailed information on this update, please visit this website: https://support.apple.com/kb/HT3606.
For information on the security content of this update, please visit: https://support.apple.com/kb/HT1222.

If you're not one for Software Update, we've included download links below. Let us know how the update goes!

Download: Mac OS X 10.5.8 Update
Download: Mac OS X 10.5.8 Combo Update
Download: Mac OS X Server 10.5.8 Update
Download: Mac OS X Server 10.5.8 Combo Update

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