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Man Struck by Lightning, Blames iPod

Jason Bunch a Colorado teen was listening to his iPod while mowing the lawn on a Sunday afternoon which was when he got struck by lightning.

Next what he knew was that he was in bed bleeding from his ears and throwing up. He was also unaware how he got back inside.
His face was burned all the way down to his hip where his iPod was. His family claim his iPod attracted the lightning bolt but it didn't hit bigger things such as trees.

Gregory Stewart, an expert said this.

"There is no scientific evidence to show that lightning is 'attracted' to items like an iPod. However, if someone wearing earbuds is struck, current may travel along the wires into the ears," said Gregory Stewart of the Denver-based Lightning Reference Center. "There are documented cases of lightning traveling through wired telephones and killing the users. "

Objects such as loose change in victims' pockets have left first- and second-degree burns after a lightning strike, Stewart said.

So iPod users, no real reason to panic unless you plan listening to your iPod during a thunderstorm. :p

News source: Digg.
News source 2: ArsTechnica

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