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Microsoft cuts features from Windows Server 2003 R2

According to Microsoft-watch.com today, Microsoft is cutting up R2. Not content with delaying SUS 2.0 but Microsoft are now killing features from its "release two" of Windows Server 2003. Steven Bink (a Windows Server MVP) is rightly angered at Microsoft's decision to remove Network Access Protection and "Access Anywhere" the RDP and filesharing over https (rpcproxy) killer feature. I was personally looking forward to these features and many corporations and small businesses are likely to be confused with Microsoft's Server release schedules.

Only a few months ago Microsoft announced a 2 year 4 year plan. Every 4 years a major Server release and every 2 an "update" which would include service packs and extra features that customers requested. It seems Microsoft are already backtracking on this and are delaying crucial products like SUS/R2 etc.

When it comes to the Windows Server Roadmap it may as well be a jigsaw as any part of it can be moved at any stage.

View: R2 Stands for "remove that too"

View: Microsoft Trims Next Windows Server Release @ Microsoft-watch.com

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