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Microsoft Works on Search Service

Microsoft is changing its search strategy, by improving its own algorithmic Web search service and pulling out of the directory search business.

Microsoft is enhancing its Web crawler search service to compete with the likes of Google, Ask Jeeves, and Yahoo-owned sites such as Inktomi and AltaVista, Robin Kellett, search business manager of MSN Search U.K. said Monday.

"We believe the search engine is an okay service at the moment, but it can be significantly improved. It's all about relevance, both with regard to the query entered and to personalization. Say you search for Dartmoor Pit Ponies--you may want to find a U.K.-based site, rather than a U.S. based pony site. Most search engines do have a local flavor, like Google.co.uk, but we think the experience can be improved," Kellett said.

News source: PCworld.com

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