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Motive gives an early look at the Dead Space remake, confirms Isaac will be voiced

Dead Space remake early engine screenshot

Last month, EA and Motive Studio announced a remake of the hit horror game Dead Space, and while a full reveal will still be some time away due to the project's current early state, a developer livestream today revealed some new details. This included showing off very early gameplay footage, talking about the direction of the remake, and a confirmation of Isaac being voiced in this version.

Development of the remake had started around a year ago, with it moving into full production recently. As such. the studio stressed that the footage and screenshots showed today were from a "very, very" early build. The 40 minutes-long full developer stream can be watched on Twitch here.

Dead Space Remake comparison between original and new
Early comparison of the original and remake

The original is being used as a foundation to build the new project. This means its storyline, characters, horror themes, isolation elements, and the stress-inducing pace will remain the same, while the visuals, dismemberment system, and zero gravity sections (which are now more similar to Dead Space 2) are being hit with major improvements.

The game will be a one-shot, uninterrupted sequence from start to finish without any loading screens for complete immersion.

Moreover, it was confirmed Isaac Clarke will be voiced in the remake unlike in the original, where he was a silent protagonist. Gunner Wright from the later games is returning to voice Isaac.

While this will change the tone of the experience, the studio said the implementation will make sense, as Isaac will only speak when spoken to by another character and in other unique situations where talking makes sense. When players are going through dark corridors and the game is building up the tension, Isaac isn't going to break the silence and immersion by suddenly commenting on something.

Being developed using the Frostbite engine, Dead Space does not have a launch date attached to it just yet. It is slated to hit PC, Xbox Series X|S, and PlayStation 5 systems, leaving behind old-gen consoles.

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