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Neowin Chat.. its here, really it is!

Ahh, we finally did it.. we got our hacking tools out and intergrated a chat client. HabberNet kindly stepped in to offer Neowin a space on their IRC server, also providing us with the client that connects to it. Only registered members can access this page as it uses your forum nick to authenticate. You can also connect via your favorite IRC client to irc.habber.net and join the room #NeoWin

Windows XP users will need the Java VM that was not included with XP, you can find that at Windows Update, its around 5mb and will let you see Java applets on the web (and now at Neowin) I will hunt down the link and post it here later.

A big thanks to skold from HabberNet for making this possible, so if you see him be nice and say thanks :)

Forum members will need to register their nicks there to do that do the following when connected:

/REGISTER "pass" "email" (without the quotes)

View: Chat Forum here @ Neowin

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