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Neowin News - Forums updated

Nope not a new version of vbulletin this time but a massive Forum shakeup and re-order. If you noticed sections moved around I hope that we have been able to place the ever growing number of forums in a more suitable order.

Anyway I got a nice 300 word essay on why Neowin should add a Overclocking and PC Modding forum, it wasn't really required but fun to read so instead of debating it we added it. We are currently playing on the idea of adding PDA & Handhelds forum after it was requested some time ago, I'd like to hear your thoughts on this if the interest is still there. -thanks

New addition to Neowin.net

In playing on the idea to try and actively involve our visitors as well as our affiliates with Neowin.net we have been able to add Mr Magoo to our growing number of newsposters, maab of MaxReboot gave his blessing to do a "cross site" transfer which allows Mr Magoo to post both for Maxreboot and Neowin.net, he will be doing a weekly roundup of the worlds tech news that we and others report and I have already seen a sample of his work, you are gonna love it!

I just want to say a big thanks to maab for making this possible, this really is affiliation at its best.

Article Writers

Thanks for all your emails, for those interested I am still accepting applications but have had many emails to read so I will do a summary of what we require in "read more" if you are still interested to write for Neowin.

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