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Radeon 9700 Gaming Experience

Another 'Oh..My..God'-ious article on the Radeon 9700, this time by HardOCP.

These were the battle cries being heard coming from the lips of the ATi upper echelon: A very special day; World beating launch; CTF – Crush the force; Driving the visual experience revolution; New generation that will be the foundation of computer graphics for years to come. We have all heard the marketing fluff for years now, and we have all learned to take it with a grain of salt. Hell let's face it, if we could believe everything we heard out of the hardware companies, there would be no reason nor need for little hardware information sites like the [H].

We met up with the ATi PR team for a lunchtime meeting and were promised two hours of hands on time, which quickly turned into three hours, with the Radeon 9700 mounted in a top-end Pentium 4 2.53GHz system with 512MB of PC1066 RDRAM. Not a shabby box in the least, one that nearly anyone would be proud to own. They asked us if we wanted to see the demos and we politely turned them down and asked if we could get right to the meat of things and run some benchmarks. That was no problem with them at all. So we started running benchmarks and playing games.

View: On to the other games..

News source: HardOCP

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