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Rumoured Revolution specs hit the net

High definition won't be a part of the Revolution, says Nintendo, as specs "leak".

A set of specifications purporting to be for Nintendo's Revolution console have appeared on the Internet, outlining a system with impressive graphics capabilities - but the company has confirmed that high-definition outputs won't be supported.

The specifications, which appeared on blog site Nintendo Centrium, suggest that the system will be powered by two 1.8Ghz IBM PowerPC G5 processors, a 600Mhz graphics chip from ATI and a 7.1 Digital Sound chipset.

The console will apparently sport 128MB of high speed 1T SRAM as main memory, along with 256MB of slower DRAM, while the graphics chip has 12MB of on-board high speed RAM. 6GB proprietary DVD-size discs, designed by Panasonic, would be used for Revolution's games.

News source: GamesIndustry.biz

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