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Safari triples market share

Microsoft's share of the Web browser market appears in slow decline, while Safari adoption continues to climb, according to OneStat.com. Apple continues to benefit from the collective trend among technology users to search for alternatives to Microsoft products. Safari usage has climbed 0.23 per cent from 0.48 to 0.71 per cent since January 2004. Safari held 0.25 per cent of the market in July 2003 – Apple has almost tripled its browser market share.

In July last year the analysts reported that various iterations of Microsoft's Internet Explorer held a total global usage share of 95.4 per cent. That has fallen to 93.9 per cent, OneStat.com reported May 28. Microsoft continues to dominate the market. This news confirms that Mac users continue to migrate to Safari, and also reflects continuing adoption of Mac OS X, which is required to run Apple's Mac-only Web browser. Microsoft intends ceasing development of independent browsers for Windows at some future point, allegedly preferring to add Web browsing as a part of future operating system, Longhorn. Internet Explorer 6.0 continues to dominate the Web, maintaining 69.3 per cent of the market.

News source: Macworld | UK

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