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Samsung shows upcoming Windows 8 all-in-one PC

Samsung was an early hardware partner with Microsoft when it comes to Windows 8; indeed, the first Windows 8-based device that was released was a Samsung slate that ran the Windows 8 Developer Preview version. At Computex this week, Engadget reports that Samsung is showing off a cool looking Series 7 all-in-one PC designed to run Windows 8.

Samsung isn't saying much about this product at the moment; the article doesn't even have a screen size or display resolution for the PC. Samsung did say that not only does this PC have touch screen support for up to 10 fingers, it also responds to voice commands as well, similar to Microsoft's Kinect.

There's no word at all on what the processor might be like inside this Series 7 PC. Indeed, there's also no word on the memory, storage or anything else in terms of hardware specs. It seems like this kind of information is still on the fluid side. However, we do like the design and the fact that this PC supports both voice and touch screen commands are interesting. Hopefully, this all-in-one PC will go on sale on or around the time Windows 8 itself is launched in the fourth quarter of 2012.

Source: Engadget | Image via Engadget

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