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The Cube's Alive. Long live the Cube

... at Argos at least. Well, for now anyways.

Major UK catalogue and Sigh Street retailer Argos has re-introduced Nintendo's GameCube to its range several months after dropping it, with newspaper advertisements promoting the console at its new price point.

Argos had initially dropped the GameCube earlier this year after deciding that sales of the console were not high enough to continue listing it; the company's sale of its stock of the console at £79.99 garnered significant coverage, as it caused the Cube's sales to rocket past the PS2 for a week.

With the official price point now resting at £79.99 (€99 in Europe), the company has obviously decided to begin stocking the console again - an extremely positive sign for Nintendo in the run-up to Christmas, even if it does come too late to make it into the current edition of the Argos catalogue.

The company is advertising the Cube at £79.99, and is including a free controller and a £10 gift voucher to sweeten the deal.

News source: The Reg.

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