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The DivX All In One Fix 1.8

The quick fix will resolve most of the common problems you can encounter using the DivX Software. These fixes will typically inspect, reconfigure or disable third party software known to interfere with the normal use of DivX for Windows Software. Some sections contain options for removing many filters that have the *potential* to interfere with the good operation of DivX for Windows. Some filters here may be required by other software on your system and by removing it, they may not run properly. You use this program entirely at your own risks.

With DivX All In One Fix you can do things like:

Audio Codecs Missing
MPEG1 Audio Codec Missing
This component will un-register the default mp3 filter that comes with your Operating System and then re-register it: "l3codecx.ax"

LPCM Audio Codec Missing
This component will un-register the LPCM audio codec and then re-register it: "mlcom.ax"

Video Display Problem
Remove Bicubic resize filter - Included in many codec packs ex.: Nimo - Can cause no video to appear, or video that is upside down or mirrored.
Remove XviD filter - This removes the XviD DirectShow decoder filter. Many codec packs ex.:. Nimo feature Nic's build of the DirectShow filter that steals playback of DivX FourCC's. Unfortunately, most of these build can not playback all DX5 series video and the result is the start of files not playing, video appearing green, or other artifacting.
Remove G400 filter - This filter is part of several codec packs, including Nimo's, and causes video to play upside down. It should only be installed on systems using Matrox G400 cards in the first place.
Remove DivX Anti-freeze filter - This filter is included in codec packs (inc. Nimo) - May cause some instability with DivX Codec and Dr DivX as well.

Player Off Limits
Sometime, when opening the DivX Player, it goes out of the screen but it is in the taskbar. This component will bring back the player in the middle of the screen. The player needs to be close before you run this fix.

Burning Engine Update

This will update the DivX Player Burning Engine to the latest version.

Ordinal Error
If you receive "ordinal 2250 can't be found in PX.dll" error when starting the player, this component of the fix, will solve the problem.....

Download: The DivX All In One Fix 1.8 freeware
Link: Home Page

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