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Trojan horse scanner pitch is a sneaky

An e-mail message announcing a new Trojan horse scanner is itself an Internet worm that could flood servers with useless e-mail.

With more people all the time connected to the Internet, the danger of Trojan horses, malicious programs that communicate passwords and other private information to others on the Internet, is very real. Antset is a worm that arrives by e-mail and claims to be a Trojan horse scanner. It is not. At least three variations of Antset (W32.Anset.A@mm, W32.Anset.B@mm, and W32.Anset.C@mm) are floating around the Internet. Antset is capable only of sending multiple e-mail messages and does not damage PCs, so this worm ranks a 4 on the CNET Virus Meter.

News source: ZDnet

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