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We've build a better WPA says company!

One way to build a better mouse trap is to always take the current crop of mouse traps and take them apart to see what makes them tick.

Well, remember that German company, Licenturion/Fully Licensed, that ripped the Microsoft WPA apart at the start of October 2001. Well as they now say, they have now build a better WPA, or in their case now have the Licenturion Product Activation system.

Licenturion Product Activation (LPA) binds the application to the hardware components of a computer, as does WPA, but Licenturion claims to tolerate hardware modifications and "unlike Microsoft LPA provides full transparency to end-users. According to company CEO Matthias Kunze: "When we analysed Microsoft's much-criticised approach, we quickly discovered that consumers really want to know what's going on during the activation process."

But wait there's more... LPA is based on Fully Licensed's "Asymmetric Keys" technology, which is also available separately as a secure drop-in replacement for product keys, serial numbers, or unlock codes. "The tricky part is to prevent pirates from writing key generation programs. You do not want anyone else to be able to generate valid product keys, serial numbers, or unlock codes for your product." explains Thomas Lopatic, CTO of Fully Licensed. Licenturion Product Keys are based on digital signatures and public key cryptography to put a definite end to this threat. In spite of this unparalleled level of security the employed cryptographic algorithm produces product keys that consist of

only 36 letters".

LPA, which is being offered to the software industry in the US, can be easily integrated with any Windows application says the information on Fully Licensed web site.

News source: The Register

View: Fully Licensed/Licenturion press release - Fully Licensed provides Product Activation for the masses

View: The Licenturion web application - some technical details on the LPA and the server it talks to...

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