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What Is the Ideal iPod Competitor?

Even now, after so many years since its appearance, iPod still manages to rule the MP3 Player world and this is even more remarkable if we think about the technologies' short life cycles.

Despite fierce competition, users are still buying iPods like there is no tomorrow. And not only that, but it also acts as a locomotive for the entire Apple train and for other companies specialized in iPod accessories which have become millionaires overnight.

For several years now, MP3 player producing companies and others have been trying hard to find a replacement, a gizmo able to decrease iPod's 75% market share.

Microsoft has recently announced one of the most powerful alliances aimed at ending the iPod domination. Ballmer and his company have been joined by some of the best electronics producers: Philips, Creative and Samsung (and certainly, if Xbox 360 hadn't competed against Play Station 3 for next generation console supremacy, Microsoft would have called Sony to join this alliance, after all, with iTunes on the Japanese market, Sony's position is seriously threatened) and their goal is to send iPod into oblivion.

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