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Windows 2000 SP4 corrupts Autodesk VIZ files

Cheers Bink for this one. AUTODESK VIZ files are corrupted by service pack four of Windows 2000, according to the firm. This is clearly a significant problem.

A notice on the Autodesk site says that both it and Microsoft are working to fix the problem.

The note says that if you have installed Service Pack 4 for Windows 2000, you might well find that Autodesk VIZ 4, 3D Studio VIZ 3 and 3D Studio VIZ3i won't open any .max files any more.

Autodesk suggests that users that haven't yet installed SP4, don't. If you un-install the Service Pack, the firm says it will "alleviate" the problem. It offers some workrounds, here.

But some data will still be destroyed, said Autodesk.

And there's a forum discussion about the problem, at CGA Architect

News source: The Inquirer

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