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Windows Store games to soon come with drivers included

One of the core focuses for Microsoft in the upcoming Creators Update for Windows 10 is to improve the gaming experience. While the company has already made huge announcements in that regard, it has also been working on tweaking some of the smaller annoyances that gamers might have to face with a new game.

To that effect, new titles bought on the Windows Store will now come with drivers bundled with them, thus saving users the trouble of having to find them manually. While not many details are yet available on how the process will work, apparently the purchase of a game on the Windows Store will prompt Windows Update to find, and download, the relevant drivers on your machine automatically. Though not a big feature, the nifty little trick does bring Microsoft's Store one step closer to the ease of use Steam - which already has a similar feature - currently offers to gamers.

Due to the lack of details at this point, it is unclear if users can opt out of the feature as some, especially the more technically apt users, may not want automated updates for drivers due to the risk of possible compatibility issues. We expect to find out more as we move closer to the expected March release of the Creators Update.

Source: Microsoft via DigitalTrends

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