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PeaZip 5.9.1


PeaZip is an open source file and archive manager. It's freeware and free of charge for any use. PeaZip can extract most of archive formats both from Windows and Unix worlds, ranging from mainstream 7Z, RAR, TAR and ZIP to experimental ones like PAQ/LPAQ family, currently the most powerful compressor available.

PeaZip features:

  • Create 7Z, ARC, BZ2, GZ, PAQ, PEA, QUAD/BALZ, TAR, UPX, WIM, ZIP files
  • Open and extract over 180 archive types, including ACE, ISO, RAR, UDF, ZIPX files
  • Archive managemet: extract, create and convert multiple archives at once, create sfx archives, split and merge files, save job definition as script
  • File management: advanced search, navigation and bookmarking features, find duplicate files, calculate checksums and hashes
  • Security: strong encryption with two factor authentication, encrypted password manager, secure deletion
  • Available both for Windows and Linux in portable and installable version

Changes in PeaZip 5.9.1:

  • Release 5.9.1 comes with real time search filter typing in address bar, improved file management tools (secure delete, free space delete, file hashing), and introducing new file and folders analysis tool providing detailed recursive listing, subdirectories content digest (helping in finding possible duplicate directories) and optional preview of files header and EOF area.
  • Backend were updated to latest stable 7z 15.12 on Windows, and p7zip 15.09 on GNU/Linux systems, providing on both platform extraction support for RAR5 format without need of additional plugins - separate UNRAR5 Plugin based on RarLab's code (royalty free, non Open Source) is no longer needed but it is still supported as optional alternative unrar engine.
  • Application's stability and resiliency to errors is improved, progressively removing various legacy code as starting point of code cleanup for next mayor update 6.0.0.
  • Linux installers were improved in order to reduce dependencies of the main package and provide support to additional formats through optional plugin.
  • A total of 188 file extensions can now be managed by PeaZip.

Download: PeaZip 5.9.1 | PeaZip Portable | 8.0 MB (Open Source)
Download: PeaZip 64-bit | PeaZip Portable 64-bit | 9.0 MB
Link: PeaZip Home Page

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