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Prey 0.6.3

Prey lets you keep track of your laptop, phone and tablet whenever stolen or missing -- easily and all in one place. It's lightweight, open source software that gives you full and remote control, 24/7. When your data is at stake, bad things can happen. Use Prey to fully lock down your devices and delete your stored passwords, to ensure that no one will have access to your private stuff. Prey works on all major operating systems, so it lets you keep track and trigger actions on all your devices from a single place. Like a universal remote control, but for gadgets. Prey works on laptops, desktops as well as tablet computers. Remember though that if the desktop PC doesn’t have Wi-Fi capabilities, Prey won’t be able to get a fix on the device’s location.

How it works:
Basically you install a tiny agent in your PC or phone, which silently waits for a remote signal to wake up and work its magic. This signal is sent either from the Internet or through an SMS message, and allows you to gather information regarding the device's location, hardware and network status, and optionally trigger specific actions on it.

Download: Prey 0.6.3 | 5.5 MB (Open Source)
View: Prey Website

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