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  OSUKid7 said:
no idea, but why put all this work into changing them? I mean, you probably only see those for a few seconds each time you shut down/log off.

Regardless, it is still a visual element.

Quality, to me, also means "complete."

I'd like to be able to change this item, too!


  Veredus said:
Regardless, it is still a visual element.

Quality, to me, also means "complete."

I'd like to be able to change this item, too!

Yes, these bitmaps are in msgina.dll. I would suggest finding a WindowBlinds theme that skins this (most newer ones do) and use the bitmaps from that, or use WindowBlinds, although I don't recommend that.

There are 3 basic bitmaps here, the background, the buttons and the flag in the top right corner. I had the Shinobi WindowBlinds theme and used the files in there and ResHacked my msgina.dll for the result below. I have several different hacked .dll's for different visual styles and I just replace them with Replacer if I change my theme, works like a charm. ;)

Also, the log-off screen bitmaps are located in the shell32.dll, same basic idea, just a different button bitmap.

I don't really know if there is a place to specifically download these bitmaps, so I figure this is the next best thing short of creating your own.


  BMac said:
I've seen one of those on They seem to be pretty rare. The one I saw was for Longhorn Plex. If that's what you want I'll get the url elsewise sorry dude they're a rare odity.

Bmac these are the bitmaps. I'm not able to find them in Could u post the url?


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