[Official] Xbox Series X & Series S Discussion

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Trying not to be biased here  but that was extremely disappointing and nothing there makes me want to rush out and pre order the Xbox Series X, at the end of the show i was still looking for that WOW moment, although Fable looked pretty next gen.


I have a feeling this showing is not going to go down well in the gaming press, in my opinion.  


Is anyone else disappointed in what they saw?

  On 23/07/2020 at 16:23, SnoopZ said:

Halo Infinite looked very flat and last gen to me, yikes.


The stream runs far better on Twitch for me.


I thought it was looking good, considering it's a game coming out in around 4 months and it is a cross-gen title.    Looked smooth, the environment looked big, so that's a plus for me.

  On 23/07/2020 at 17:02, George P said:

I thought it was looking good, considering it's a game coming out in around 4 months and it is a cross-gen title.    Looked smooth, the environment looked big, so that's a plus for me.


Did you expect more for games looking next gen?



  On 23/07/2020 at 17:07, SnoopZ said:

Did you expect more for games looking next gen?




There were a number of games looking next gen, the way you mean, but none of them are coming out in a few months or this year.   What are you comparing things to btw?  I have a feeling you're talking about stuff that's 2 or 3 years out from now.

  On 23/07/2020 at 17:11, George P said:

There were a number of games looking next gen, the way you mean, but none of them are coming out in a few months or this year.   What are you comparing things to btw?  I have a feeling you're talking about stuff that's 2 or 3 years out from now.


Maybe i expected too much after the disaster of the first MS games presentation, and trying not to be biased and i have owned an Xbox One in the past but to me i was blown away with the PS5 presentation and how those games looked and left flat with this.


I've been on the ropes for the last few months, i knew getting a PS5 was a no brainer for me as i am deep in Sonys echo system but nothing i saw today is making me want a new Xbox Console, now if you look at Era and Neo gaming sites they're in meltdown with very little being positive.


Hopefully there will be some fantastic surprises to make me reconsider wanting to re join the Xbox crowd again so for me it doesn't 'yet' have any games i want to play.


2-3 years is too long to wait for Xbox Next gen in my opinion.

  On 23/07/2020 at 17:20, SnoopZ said:

Maybe i expected too much after the disaster of the first MS games presentation, and trying not to be biased and i have owned an Xbox One in the past but to me i was blown away with the PS5 presentation and how those games looked and left flat with this.


I've been on the ropes for the last few months, i knew getting a PS5 was a no brainer for me as i am deep in Sonys echo system but nothing i saw today is making me want a new Xbox Console, now if you look at Era and Neo gaming sites they're in meltdown with very little being positive.


Hopefully there will be some fantastic surprises to make me reconsider wanting to re join the Xbox crowd again so for me it doesn't 'yet' have any games i want to play.


2-3 years is too long to wait for Xbox Next gen in my opinion.


All of those PS5 games you're talking up as next gen are 2-3 years away as well, so again, what are you comparing things to?   Nothing on the PS5, that's coming out soon, is so "next gen", that's just the nature of game development.  Besides, 95% of what Sony showed is coming to the PC, why rush to get a PS5 for that exclusive that's coming in 2022?

Hah, Fable.  I'm surprised they're dropping X1 for that.  But that's cool.


Unreal Engine 4s support for the next gen isn't really there until mid 2021 iirc?  So expect a lot of titles to be updated somewhere around then.


As for todays showings I haven't watched them all but I'm always up for Obsidian games now that they have some proper backing especially.  The Outer Worlds was fantastic.


Can't wait to see Destiny 2 upgrades, since I'll still be playing it....until Destiny 3 comes out most likely heh.


  On 23/07/2020 at 18:08, LostCat said:

Hah, Fable.  I'm surprised they're dropping X1 for that.  But that's cool.


Unreal Engine 4s support for the next gen isn't really there until mid 2021 iirc?  So expect a lot of titles to be updated somewhere around then.


As for todays showings I haven't watched them all but I'm always up for Obsidian games now that they have some proper backing especially.  The Outer Worlds was fantastic.


Can't wait to see Destiny 2 upgrades, since I'll still be playing it....until Destiny 3 comes out most likely heh.



The games that are a way out, like Obsidians new RPG, probably 2022, looked next gen I'd say.  Fable dropping X1 and going XSX and PC only probably means it's also a 2022 game.   I think people are comparing games coming soon to those coming in a few years for some odd reason.   Like I said already, lots, if not all, of those games shown off by Sony are also years out, I think we need to put things into better context.


BTW I saw a post saying that Halo Infinite doesn't even have all it's XSX gfx added yet, like ray tracing.  I think we basically saw One X version running.

  On 23/07/2020 at 18:20, Emn1ty said:

I'm not really sure about adding grappling hooks to Halo.


I think it fits with the open world nature of the game from the looks of it, they're going pretty vertical with the layouts.  Having said that though, I think the grappling hook is just one thing you might be able to equip and use if you want.  In the demo when he opens the map for a bit, and we see how big that part of the world is, there's a Upgrades tab at the top.  I think the grappling hook and other stuff, like weapons, and maybe even your armor to, will be upgradable.  This adds a little RPG bits into the now open world nature of Halo.

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