Mac Mice

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bro don't do it!!!!!!

u can use them with ur pc an their style is gr8 but the quality is s**t, I work with them everyday and let me tell, u we have to replace at least one mouse every day and they are so expensive like $80cnd, when people with macs ask me, i tell them get a pc mouse instead much better and u get 2 buttons and a scroll wheel :D

I forgot if u want the mac keyboard to work with ur PC u r going to need an extension because the original USB connection on the mac keyboard is diff from the PC one.

Damn apple!!!!

Edited by X@vier
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Yes they will work. Though I am not sure if you want to use the one button mouse with Windows. Mac OS X is built to be used with either one button or multi button mice, Windows is not.

I'm not sure about what X@vier is talking about lack of quality. I love my Apple keyboard, it is great compared to what other PC vedors ship with their computers. I have also had no problems with my mouse that I have had for well over a year. Again it is pretty good build quality.

Unless you are getting a Mac, forget about the mouse under Windows.

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  X@vier said:
I forgot if u want the mac keyboard to work with ur PC u r going to need an extension because the original USB connection on the mac keyboard is diff from the PC one.

Damn apple!!!!


Since when?

I suspect you are mistaking the old ADB (as in pre-B&W G3) connectors for USB.

While ADB was pretty similar in concept to USB, it preceeded it and is different.

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  X@vier said:
bro don't do it!!!!!!

u can use them with ur pc an their style is gr8 but the quality is s**t, I work with them everyday and let me tell, u we have to replace at least one mouse every day and they are so expensive like $80cnd, when people with macs ask me, i tell them get a pc mouse instead much better and u get 2 buttons and a scroll wheel :D

I forgot if u want the mac keyboard to work with ur PC u r going to need an extension because the original USB connection on the mac keyboard is diff from the PC one.

Damn apple!!!!


You're talking out of your ass. My Apple pro keyboard is working fine and I can plug it into to my PC's USB 1.0 port. Same goes for the Apple pro mouse.

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  thekore said:
for all those who constantly moan about the 1 button and no scroll wheel. There are alternatives, and if its the design you love so much then have a look at MacMice


That mouse is kool.. except for international orders the shpping and handleing is $50 US which is absoluty ridiculus.

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  thekore said:
for all those who constantly moan about the 1 button and no scroll wheel. There are alternatives, and if its the design you love so much then have a look at MacMice


well is about time stuff like this came out, i dunno how the people that make the switch from pc to mac, how can they stand the one button thing, i certainly couldn't so i didnt buy a imac from my friend. At the time i didnt know these existed tho, and never bothered looking, i was and still am more than happy with my pc and my windows laptop. Those look great tho, thanks for the link...

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  XP_01 said:
You're talking out of your ass. My Apple pro keyboard is working fine and I can plug it into to my PC's USB 1.0 port. Same goes for the Apple pro mouse.



and while apple mice are expensive, i went to a high school that used mostly macs and we still had some of the original imacs with original hockey pucks. even the new style (white, full length) are still original on the newer macs we have.

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  SPeedY_B said:
Don't see why people have a problem with the single button, I love it, and I used Windows with 2, 3 and 5 button mice before switching to Mac. Each to their own I suppose. :)


like I said it's counter productive, considering that Macs are mostly for professionals, the one button mouse does not make it exactly easy.

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I wouldn't go for the Keyboard or the mouse if I was a PC User and didn't have a Mac. The cable on the mouse is too short for PCs anyway, since its suppose to be connected to the keyboard on a Mac and its not very good when Windows is designed for mouses with 2 buttons. The keyboard is better, but I still wouldn't get it for a PC. ;)

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Got the mouse today, and I must say it's awesome. The first thing I noticed is how similar to the Apple mouse it is. Installation was a snap, just plug it in and it's ready to go. The two buttons sure make OS X much more enjoyable, and the scroll wheel comes in handy for surfing the web. I would recommend this mouse to anyone who uses a Mac, as an alternative. I don't have anything negative to say, well just that I wish it was made by Apple.



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  KeR said:
Got the mouse today, and I must say it's awesome. The first thing I noticed is how similar to the Apple mouse it is. Installation was a snap, just plug it in and it's ready to go. The two buttons sure make OS X much more enjoyable, and the scroll wheel comes in handy for surfing the web. I would recommend this mouse to anyone who uses a Mac, as an alternative. I don't have anything negative to say, well just that I wish it was made by Apple.


MacMice seems a lot brighter (the red light from the bottom) than the Apple mouse. :no:

I'm thinking about getting a BT mouse from MacMice. But it's $70 and doesn't even come with free shipping.

By the way, does anyone have any recommendation for a Mac compatible BT mouse?

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first off, my business is 60/40 macs being majority the ****ty apple mice always die because their cords suck, SUCK, the cables arent worth jack all, we ordered a 500 pack of Microsoft Wireless Optical Mice v2.0. They are beautiful with os 10.3 or some version that sounds like that. The Keyboard dont even get me started with the stuck key concept we ordered a 500 pack of Logitech USB Elite Keyboards and deployed them, they work beautifully as well, as for the pc's 333 beautiful Gateway 5200XL's brand spankin new, there running XP Pro, Office 2003 Enterprise. DVD-Burners 12x one is the server and when you guys say the keyboards that other company's ship are trash buddy you lookin in the recycle bin or what LOL. Most machines cept for sony come with very nice keyboards. So DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY ON THE APPLE KEYBOARDS, oh and i have 500G-5 Towers thats why i ordered 500 pack.

IT Manager

Xtasy Technologies

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