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15" PowerBook Discontinued

Another product is missing from Apple's hardware page, this time it being the 15" PowerBook. This follows the recent removal and discontinuation of the 17" iMac G5. Though these are still available as Apple referb models, they are no longer in official production. Though this news was to be expected for sometime with the release of the MacBook Pro, it came at a rather curious time.

With the 15" MacBook Pro standing by itself, and the 15" PowerBook taken out of service, could this possibly mean that a 17" and 12" MacBook Pro is in the works? According to AppleInsider, rumor has it that this might be the case. The Apple rumor mill is at an all time high following the February 28th product announcement, speculating what might be in store. Could this be a sign that the June estimate speculated by AppleInisder maybe a couple months off?

As the transition from Power PC to Intel continues, expect to see more and more traditional Power PC products become subject to a gradual replacement with newer Intel products.

News source: AppleInsider

News source: Apple.com

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