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America's Army: Operations full install & patch v1.6.0

A new upgrade of America's Army: Operations is now available, bringing this team-based tactical shooter by the U.S. Army to version 1.6.0. This release adds the Radio Tower mission, upgrades the game engine to the latest Unreal technology, implements projectile penetration and ricochets, and applies numerous other new features, bug fixes and miscellaneous changes. After a confusing night, it appears this release is officially available only as a full install due to the extent of the changes, and while there is also a patch from v1.5.0 this file is unsupported and your mileage may vary.

News source: 3D Gamers

Download: America's Army v1.6.0 full install (374MB)

Download: V1.5.0 => 1.6.0 upgrade (86.7Mb)

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