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EA working with Microsoft to release Windows Phone 8 games

Windows Phone 8, despite reaching the 100,000 app milestone earlier this year, still lags well behind the iOS and Android platforms in terms of the number of apps available for its users to download. Now it looks like Electronic Arts has given its stamp of approval for the next version of Windows Phone.

Bloomberg reports that, according to EA's Chief Operating Officer Peter Moore, the publisher is working with Microsoft to bring a number of its games to Windows Phone 8. Moore is quoted as saying:

We’re working very closely with Microsoft to understand what their views on gaming navigation are. Anything that allows more platforms to be adopted quickly that have a gaming element is good for Electronic Arts.

That is good news for Microsoft as it seeks to expand the market for Windows Phone devices and app. There are signs that Windows Phone is gaining more traction in the marketplace, with IDC reporting that shipments of Windows Phone products more than doubled in the second quarter of 2012.

There's no word on which specific games EA is planning to bring to Windows Phone 8. However, the publisher does have a ton of well known game properties, such as Need For Speed, Battlefield, The Sims and others to choose from, not to mention the casual games from its Playfish and PopCap divisions.

Source: Bloomberg

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