EasyBCD 1.6 has many bugfixes and new features - and it comes that much closer to making dual-booting a walk in the park. Some of the new features include a Diagnostics and Repair Center from where you can reset the Vista bootloader and accompanying BCD data & repair OS X partitions after a Windows install, rewritten Linux/BSD boot support that includes full LBA-detection and compatability, listing of drives by letter and partition (size, location, and format) to make figuring out which drive to use easier, improved memory usage, x64 driver disabling that works, and a new error handler class.
New Features:
- Rewritten Linux Support
- Diagnostics and Repair Center
- Rewritten Memory Management
- New Exception Handler Class (you can tell us exactly what went wrong!
- Listing drives by letter and physical partitions - no more guessing which numbers to use.
- BCD Recovery and Repair
- New MBR and Bootsector layers

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