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Elite Dangerous: Odyssey expansion delayed out of early 2021

Frontier Developments unveiled the Odyssey expansion for Elite Dangerous in 2020, with it finally slated to bring space legs and full-blown planets to the popular space sim. However, the launch plans have been altered somewhat, as the studio shared a development update today that details a delay hitting both PC and console versions of the expansion.

Originally slated for early 2021, Odyssey will now be landing in late spring 2021 for PC, while the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 version has been pushed back all the way to autumn this year. The reasons behind the delay are the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic impact and lockdowns.

"Please do know that these difficult decisions have been made with a focus on making Odyssey as incredible as it can possibly be for all our Commanders regardless of their platform, while also respecting realistic project deadlines for our teams during this difficult global situation," added the British developer.

Alpha access to the Odyssey expansion will now be available in early spring for PC players, which is also later than originally planned. The alpha will see new content being introduced in phases to focus the community's testing and gather relevant feedback. Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Deluxe Alpha and Lifetime Expansion Pass holders will be gaining access to this alpha launch.

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